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Writer's pictureTamara Pierre, LMHC

Marker 1: Self-Awareness

Updated: Sep 13, 2023


I was tired. Tired of playing the victim. Tired of accepting a life of repeating the past. Since you are here reading my content, you probably have a level of self-awareness to start making the necessary changes in your life for growth and healing. I believe that self-awareness is present all the time, it is a matter of whether or not you are ignoring the signs, in denial, or believe that there is nothing you can do to change, almost like it’s a part of you. It is a part of you, mostly your mind. But you can change your mindset by analyzing the parts of your limiting beliefs and seeing how they influence decisions you have made in your life. This is the beginning process of creating new pathways of change.

Take introspection. Look at the areas of your life that do not provide a level of contentment. A major area for me was romantic relationships. Having a distorted view of love and my anger and self-worth towards men showed in my dating habits. I was a "man-eater" during my college years, focused on my education and entertaining myself with different types of men. It was like their money and time spent with me was making up for all the hurt I was harboring in my heart from past trauma. That self-awareness really kicked in when I was alone. The scariest place for me was facing myself. I wanted all of that to change and I was ready.

journaling with pen

Now, let's start writing! Write a list of unhealthy behaviors and/or thoughts that seem to continually show up in your life as a pattern. (Example: My worth is reflected by how much a man spends on me).


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